Alessandro Ferrara

Backend/Infra Engineer

Ciao, I'm Ferro 👋

Nice to meet you.

About Me

I'm an Italian engineer with an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering specialized in building scalable and efficient systems.

My expertise lies in designing and optimizing databases, crafting robust APIs, and ensuring seamless integration between services.

I love diving into complex problems and finding elegant solutions.

When I'm not coding, I'm riding my bike as fast as my code.

My Skills

A precise toolbox for crafting efficient solutions.


Expertise in Rust involved in developing a variety of projects, including but not limited to web services, command-line interfaces, and system utilities. Familiarity with the language's features and its ecosystem has enabled me to leverage Rust for building high-performance, reliable software.


Proven experience in designing and optimizing both relational and NoSQL databases.This includes crafting efficient schemas, optimizing queries for performance, and ensuring data integrity.Proficient with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MongoDB, my work has significantly improved database management and access.


I have experience working with Linux systems, including setting up and maintaining servers, managing user accounts, and configuring networking. I'm familiar with the Linux command line and have worked with a variety of distributions, including Ubuntu and Arch Linux.


In-depth experience in setting up and maintaining CI/CD pipelines, particularly utilizing GitHub Actions. My focus has been on automating the deployment process, encompassing continuous integration and delivery, to ensure that code is tested, deployed, and released efficiently and reliably.

Docker and Kubernetes

My experience with Docker and Kubernetes has been focused on building and maintaining scalable and reliable infrastructure. I've worked on setting up and managing Kubernetes clusters, creating Docker images, and deploying applications to Kubernetes.

Cloud Platforms

Hands-on experience with cloud platforms such as AWS, GCP, and DigitalOcean, specializing in setting up and managing robust infrastructure. My role has encompassed managing services including EC2, S3, and RDS, focusing on scalability, reliability, and optimizing performance for diverse applications.

Stuff I've Built

Talk is cheap. Show me the code. -Linus Torvalds


LottoPrint is a comprehensive Web Application for italian lottery enthusiasts, visualizing results, tracking unextracted numbers over time, and providing number-picking suggestions to enhance the user's strategy.

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Marecchia enables efficient P2P streaming in browsers via a WebAssembly library, connecting viewers directly to share video content, complemented by a backend tracker for peer discovery, drastically cutting down on server bandwidth use.

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A web application developed during COVID-19 pandemic that allows users to book time slots for shopping in order to avoid queues and crowds, fostering a safe shopping experience by providing a flow control system.

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Rust library for interacting with MikroTik RouterOS devices, providing a high-level API to manage devices, interfaces, and firewall rules, with a focus on performance and reliability. Designed with concurrent command execution in mind.

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Native app for iOS and Android, providing realtime gas prices, maps-like navigation with geolocation, plus details on gas stations' features and timetables, optimizing your refueling experience.

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TypeScript library for Node.js and the web, generating sleek, unique identicon images from any given string, offering a distinctive visual representation for user identities or data points.

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Get in touch

Reach me through the following channels.